Theatre lovers can get a peek behind the curtain at a Norfolk theatre’s open day in August.
Explore MoreThe testimonies of Latin American refugees were the inspiration for a theatre show that mixes science, music, and visuals and is coming to Norwich next week.
Explore MoreWhat makes a hoarder hoard? This surreal and bold developing musical takes a tentative and affectionate peek inside the head of a compulsive collector, with surprisingly funny results.
Explore MoreA new show about hoarding, memories, and music is coming to Norwich as part of a four-theatre partnership to develop new productions by bringing them to the public in their early stages.
Explore More“There isn’t a message, so don’t go looking for one” we are warned near the beginning of this stage adaptation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s story.
Explore MoreA digital theatre show experienced over WhatsApp is being hosted by a Norfolk theatre.
Explore MoreHow life and love can push us forward and hold us back is at the heart of this tragi-comic drama set in a Cromer cafe.
Explore MoreSome times asking “what have I just seen?” can be a good thing. This is one of those times.
Explore MoreOnions, it seems, are like family: they come in different shapes and sizes, are multi-layered, and can sometimes make you cry. At least that appears to be a theme of this evolving new show from Norwich-based Orange Skies Theatre.
Explore MoreStaging one of Shakespeare’s most well-known plays is always a dilemma: play it straight or attempt to reinvent? This youth theatre production mostly keeps it simple, allowing some great performances to take centre stage.
Explore MoreThis tense and thoughtful play, rooted in ancient Greek myth, is given a tender handling by the Theatre Royal’s youth company.
Explore MoreThis sparky, surprising, and brilliant
exposition on grief, love, and family, bounds along thanks to a superbly
talented young cast and pinpoint direction.
Innuendo, cross dressing, and people
pretending to be animals – but no, it’s not panto, it’s a rather ribald
adaptation of Voltaire’s Candide, brought to life by the Norwich Theatre Royal’s
Youth Company.